Choosing a topic for your webinar that will resonate with your community is a big part of a successful launch. After all, webinars are one of the best ways to convert your subscribers into happy students. If you’re not sure what to teach in your webinar so it’s valuable without giving everything away, here are a few frameworks you can try!

Share the what but not the how:
Briefly describe the things they need to do without a lot of detail, focus more on how they help instead. If they want to know how to do the actual thing, your online course is the next step.
This webinar would be a good option if your course is for beginners. This shows your community all the different ways they have to achieve their goal. It gives them possibilities.
Examples of the “what” webinar type:
How to [desired outcome] through [thing you teach]
✦ How to grow your email list through organic traffic strategies
In the training you’d teach them about…
- Search engine optimization
- JV webinars with others in your niche
✦ How to release trapped emotions in the body through somatic exercises
In the training you’d talk about…
- Emotional Freedom Techniques
- Hip release exercises
- Rocking
Share the roadmap:
Show them the step by step process to achieving a specific result without going into detail on any of the steps. This gives them a bird eye view of the process, and they can enroll in your course to get the breakdown of each step and more hand-holding!
Examples of the “Roadmap” webinar type:
[X] steps to [desired outcome] without [objection]
✦ 6 Steps To Closing On Your First Investment Property Without a Big Downpayment
✦ The 10 Step Framework to Get Accepted Into Any College (Even If Your GPA is Under 4)
Do a deep dive into one step but not share the complete roadmap:
They’ll have all the info they need to take the first step, as you will share how to take that step in detail. But you don’t teach the rest of the steps, so if they want to continue the journey, they need to take your course.
Examples of the “Deep dive” webinar type:
The key to [desired outcome] even if [objection]
✦ The key to selling your house over asking price (even if it’s a fixer upper)
✦ The BEST way to finding your ideal coaching client (even if you’ve been stuck for months)
⋙ Make creating your webinar easy peasy with my 70+ page webinar slide Canva template that guides you slide by slide with what to include for a high-converting webinar training! Get it as part of my Course Creation Toolkit now.
Mistakes, objections and myths:
These are all great things to tackle throughout your webinar as well to help them feel ready to work with you. Some questions to spark your ideas…
- Can you address mistakes that people made so they can realize that if they give your method a try, it’ll work for them?
- Can you share myths keeping them from giving your line of work a try?
- Can you help them overcome their objections so they feel confident in signing up without getting buyers’ remorse the next day?
You can host a webinar specifically on any of these, or just sprinkle some of these throughout your webinar to help attendees feel confident in continuing to learn from you beyond this training.
Examples of these webinar types:
[x] Common mistakes [ideal audience] make when [desired outcome]
✦ 5 common mistakes bakers make when setting up their home bakery business
✦ 3 little known secrets to sell your first 1000 copies as a self-published author

What if you give too much information away in your webinar?
If you’re worried that you’re giving out too much information on your free trainings and webinars, remember that the more they know before they work with you, the less time you waste having to explain things to them.
You can share information so when they work with you in your higher ticket programs, you can get straight to implementation and getting them results.