Work with me

Build a business you love, from a place of alignment.

I’m a certified mindset coach and marketing consultant for ah-mazing course creators like you. Let’s chat about what we can do together!


Do you know what you need to do to grow your business but you're *not* doing it and you're not sure why?

The good news is, it’s not that you’re lazy or unfocused. Chances are you’re dealing with a limiting belief keeping you from showing up with confidence. I can help you release anything holding you back and reprogram your subconscious mind with supportive beliefs instead.

…and if you don’t know what you need to do to grow your biz: I offer marketing consulting sessions too! I’ve got you covered, friend 😉


Release the mindset blocks keeping you stuck & unfulfilled

Let’s find out what’s the root cause of you not taking action on your big hairy goals and work together to solve it. I’m a certified mindset coach and I can help you release limiting beliefs, fears and more blocks and replace them with supportive beliefs that allow you to make progress towards your goals with ease.

I’m certified in Mindset Coaching, NLP, Neuro Energetic Wiring, Neuro Energetic Encoding, EFT and Hypnosis.

“Lucia was able to find and understand the underlying limiting belief in order to eliminate it and create a new one much more empowered and aligned with the person and business owner I want to be. My experience working with her was profound, meaningful and it gave me the energy and right mindset to take action towards my goals."

— ana godina

VIP Coaching Day

Review, Release, Reprogram

We’ll dive deep into your goals, what’s holding you back and the version of you who will achieve it easily and effortlessly. We’ll work closely to release negative beliefs and emotions, and repogram your subconscious mind with more positive beliefs.

* Only 1 spot available per month.

Lucia helped me reframe negative thought patterns and replace them with positive and empowering beliefs. I now have the tools to overcome my limiting beliefs and I've been attracting more positive opportunities while feeling more fulfilled and happy.

— Xenia, switzerland

1:1 Strategy Session

Your rock-solid plan to creating & launching your course with ease

Let’s chat about your strategy to create and launch your course so you can come out of this session with a solid plan to follow. From growing your audience before launching to structuring your course, we’ll leave no stone unturned!

"Lucia, I want to thank you to the moon and back for leading us through a successful launch with our ad spending cut in half. Thanks to you we pulled off doubling our profit margin without working more."

— ELA T.

We're a good fit if...

You’re ready to stop doubting yourself & what you have to offer

It’s time to stop feeling like a fraud and embody the most confident, aligned and fulfilled version of you.

You want to share your skills to improve people's lives

You want to make a positive impact in people and you believe the key to success is helping others achieve it first.

Building a business in alignment is important to you

You want a business that gives you the time + financial freedom you desire to enjoy life with your family.