Did you know that your beliefs determine your actions, which create your results? If you’ve tried creating a course but you didn’t complete it (or never launched it), it’s time to look inward for the root cause.
This 21-page workbook will help you uncover what’s holding you back and let go of any fears and limiting beliefs so that showing up to create + launch your course with confidence becomes second-nature to you.
….but you don’t know where to start and you keep going back-and-forth between believing and second-guessing yourself.
Some days you feel like you have so much to offer; the next day you’re in the dumps thinking you haven’t achieved enough and shouldn’t be teaching anybody…
You doubt whether you can get one person to buy your course, let alone hit “six figures”. But you need it.
You want to replace your fulltime job income with your course so you can spend more time with your family.
If only you could get out of your own way and stop letting the voices in your head convince you that you can’t pull it off.